Our Engagement Ring Configurator

Be your own designer.

Harmonious Ring Shapes

Harmonious Ring Shapes

All ring models from acredo have one thing in common: they have absolutely harmonious ring shapes.

These ring shapes are crucial for wearing comfort. A ring from acredo always feels comfortable.

All our designs are subject to this standard. Choose your favourite model.

Harmonious Ring Shapes
Classical Yellow or modern White?

Classical Yellow or modern White?

We have always been fascinated by the warm shimmer of yellow gold. Do you feel the same way? Or do you prefer romantic rosé? If your style is more "cool", perhaps it should be radiant white platinum.

The configurator makes it easy for you to choose the colour that suits your personal style. Simply click on the colour, select the ring in the corresponding colour and continue.

Classical Yellow or modern White?
The Fineness

The Fineness

The fineness describes the proportion of the highest-grade precious metal in a piece of jewellery. It is expressed in thousandths.

For example, in gold 750/- or 18kt 750 of the 1000 parts are gold.

Depending on the colour you have chosen for your ring, the configurator will suggest suitable alloys with different finenesses. You have an immediate overview of the prices.

The Fineness

Inspirerende. 100% unik. Bæredygtig

Ringshank and Setting

Ringshank and Setting

With the selection criteria ringshank and setting, the model you have chosen can be changed.

The alternative models are displayed and can be selected with one click.

Take a look at the alternatives at your leisure. Which is your favourite? A straight ring setting or a ring setting that tapers towards the front. A setting with 4 or 6 claws or a closed bezel setting that visually supports the stone size.

Ringshank and Setting
Discreet or opulent

Discreet or opulent

The diamond crowns your jewellery design as the radiant centrepiece.

You determine the style of your piece of jewellery to a large extent through the stone size: delicate with a smaller stone or opulent with a large diamond and stone setting on the side.

Along with the quality of the diamond, the stone size is one of the main criteria for the budget. Find the balance of stone size and quality that you feel comfortable with.

Discreet or opulent
We love diamonds

We love diamonds

At acredo, we only offer you very good diamond qualities. From a stone size of 0.3 ct, every stone has a certificate from renowned international testing institutes. The cut is always excellent.

We love diamonds

Inspirerende. 100% unik. Bæredygtig

Personal from the Heart

Personal from the Heart

Unforgettable moments should be captured. Engrave a date, name or a small love message on your engagement ring.

Our acredo partners will be happy to help you determine your ring size correctly. We usually record the circumference of your finger. Alternatively, the inner diameter of a very well-fitting ring can be measured.

Personal from the Heart
Engagement Rings with add-on Setting

Engagement Rings with add-on Setting

Ud over solitaire-konfigurationen giver vores vielsesringskonfigurator dig mulighed for at designe forlovelsesringe, der matcher dine fremtidige vielsesringe hundrede procent. Til dette formål kombineres de harmoniske acredo-profiler med en add-on-fatning.

Når du har fundet din profil, skal du klikke på "Rediger stenindfatning" og "Åbn stenbibliotek". Bestem dig for stenformen Princess eller Brilliant, og vælg en af de angivne fatninger- eller bezel-add-on-fatninger.

Indstil stenstørrelse og -kvalitet, tilføj eventuelt flere sten til ringskinnen, og slet ring 2.

Engagement Rings with add-on Setting
Dream design finished - here's how it continues

Dream design finished - here's how it continues

Once you have finished your configuration, you can print it or save it to your wish list. From there, your dream design with your data can be retrieved for you at any time.

Would you like to share your result enthusiastically or send it by e-mail? This is also easy to do via the wish list.

Or you can make an appointment with an acredo partner near you to not only see but also feel the shapes and models.

Dream design finished - here's how it continues

Inspirerende. 100% unik. Bæredygtig

Start your diamond ring configuration

Design a classic solitaire according to your own personal ideas.

Start din konfiguration med en add-on fatning

Start din konfiguration med en add-on fatning

Skab din egen perfekte forlovelsesring til din vielsesring her. Oplev mulighederne.

The acredo Engagement Ring Configurator

Du har det i dine egne hænder. Ikke kun det perfekte øjeblik til det perfekte spørgsmål af alle spørgsmål, men også det individuelle design af dine forlovelsesringe. Selvkonfigurerede forlovelsesringe siger mere end tusind ord og understreger jeres ægte kærlighed og det unikke i jeres forhold. Uanset om det er en romantisk overraskelse eller resultatet af fælles idéer, er det ligetil og sjovt at designe dine forlovelsesringe med acredo forlovelsesringskonfiguratoren.

Tilpas forlovelsesringe: Det har aldrig været så alsidigt

Takket være acredos Forlovelsesringskonfigurator kan du designe dine egne forlovelsesringe ned til mindste detalje. acredo sender dig til smykkeverdenens paradis. Først vælger du ringdesign, ringskinner og ædelmetal. Derefter går det videre til stenenes verden, de funklende diamanter: Du kan vælge mellem forskellige størrelser, klarhedsklasser, indfatninger og slibninger.

Vælg din favorit og få paradiset hjem til dig - det har aldrig været nemmere at tilpasse forlovelsesringe!

Konfigurer #### forlovelsesringe: Lad din drøm blive til virkelighed

Du har set din drømmeforlovelsesring i en Hollywood-film eller har haft præcise idéer siden barndommen, så gør dine idéer til virkelighed med acredos forlovelsesringskonfigurator. Online, trin for trin, til enhver tid kan du konfigurere din forlovelsesring. Hvis du ikke har tid til at færdiggøre dit kunstværk, kan du sætte dit design på ønskelisten . Hvis du er gået i stå med designet eller har spørgsmål om kvaliteten af vores ringe og diamanter, er du velkommen til at søge råd i vores steder. Frieriet er i dine hænder, vi vil ikke lade dig være alene, når vi designer dine forlovelsesringe. Når ringen til damen er klar, kan du designe forlovelsesringen til herren i løbet af få trin. Tip: Lad dig inspirere af vores aktuelle kollektioner.